And or A
We figured out this probably wouldn't be the last place we needed one of these so did some Googling for a nearby shop that would sell us one. There weren't any. So in the early hours, under the cover of dawn, we made off with theirs... and their fake €10 note. If you're reading this Angosto: sorry 😞
So with our ill-gotten goods we headed for the border, to Andorra, hoorah.
Stopped for lunch at Huesca, but actually couldn't stop for lunch in the city as there was no where to park the wagon, so instead we drove around it for a bit looking at its walls, and then got a Maccis instead.
Stopped to take a selfie next to a waterway to send to Mother's picture frame, then headed up hill.
Got confused at the border, tried to talk to the person in the wrong booth, and then arrived at Camp Casal. Not the most modern of facilities, and very windy.